Total solution - from making the perfect thread to ensuring that proper tolerances are met.

High precision measurement tools manufactured with the same advance technology we use for our world-renowned taps.
Every aspects of our production - from grinding technology to anti-aging heat treatment know-how, is designed to provide the highest quality product possible with unbeatable reliability.
OSG offers thread gauge inspection via our web system as well as thread gauge calibration services.
Thread Gauge Inspection Sheet
Web System
The thread gauge inspection sheet can be easily downloaded for use. The file is exported as a PDF for system and environmentally friendly data management.
Thread Gauge Calibration
OSG offers thread gauge calibration services at a fee. When specifications are clear, thread gauges from other manufacturers can be calibrated as well. Contact us for details.
Gauge Selection Chart
A selection table that indicates the corresponding thread gauge required based on the type of thread needed to be measured (please contact the nearest sales office for special products).
Frequently Asked Questions
A list of frequently asked questions and answers on thread gauges.
Product Lineup

Thread Limit Gauge (LG): Plug
Used to inspect female thread. The passing side and stopping side make up a single set. The thread is considered to be acceptable if the passing side passes with ease and the stopping side does not cut in after two rotations. This gauge is also used to inspect the whitworth screw.

Thread Limit Gauge (LG): Ring
Used to inspect male thread. The passing side and stopping side make up a single set. The thread is considered to be acceptable if the passing side passes with ease and the stopping side does not cut in after two rotations. This gauge is also used to inspect the whitworth screw.

Thread Limit Gauge (LG) Long Neck Type: Plug
A plug gauge for inspecting deep female threads. The long neck configuration is to enable the inspection of female threads in locations where measurement is difficult for normal thread limit gauges, such as "cannot reach" or "handle interference" regions. Custom item for measurement of the effective thread length.

Thread Limit Gauge (LG) Coating Type: Plug
A thread gauge with coating on the go side where wear is easy to progress. Exceptional durability against wear and welding to enable long tool life. OSG's lineup offers two types of coatings: TIN coating for high resistance against wear and DLC coating for excellent welding resistance.

Wear Inspection Thread Gauge (LCG): Plug
A gauge used to inspect the thread limit ring gauge (LG). It is used to inspect whether or not the ring gauge has exceeded the stipulated wear limit.

Wear Inspection Thread Gauge (LCG): Ring
A gauge used to easily inspect whether or not the effective diameter on the go side of the thread limit plug gauge (GP) has exceeded the wear limit. Inspection based on JIS standard by the 3-needle method. Please request for a thread gauge calibration when necessary.

Taper Pipe Thread Gauge (TG)
Used to inspect taper pipe threads (R・PT). There is a notch on the side, and if the end of the screw is within the scope of the notch, it is a pass. This indicates the point of standard dimensions in the ANSI (NPT/NPTF), and there are 3-4 stage notches are installed.

Taper Pipe Thread Plug Gauge for Minor Diameter (TPG-P)
A plug gauge for inspecting the minor diameter that cannot be inspected with a taper pipe thread gauge (TG). Same as the taper pipe thread gauge (TG), the PT thread has one notch and the R thread has two notches.

Standard Thread Gauge (SG)
A gauge created in accordance with the basic profile of screws and standard dimensions. A plug gauge and ring gauge that fits one another perfectly comprises a single set. Can be used as a standard gauge (master gauge) and can also conduct inspection by directly using it on a male or female thread.

Plain Limit Gauge (PG, RG)
Also known as plug gauge. A gauge used to measure dimension of hole or axis. Ring gauges are custom made.

Standard Gauges (PG-M,RG-M)
Also known as the master gauge, it is used to set the dimension and serve as a standard for dimension for managing inspection of gauges and comparative measuring equipment (measuring equipment using cylinder gauge, micro indicator, atmosphere micrometer, dial gauge). Plug gauges (PG-M) are customized orders.

Special Gauges
Custom gauges are available for straight angle, deep-hole, etc. Contact your nearest OSG sales office for details.