With a large radius configuration, the VU-R series variant shape finishing tools are designed for high machining efficiency and superior machined surface quality. The indexable barrel type and lens type inserts feature a unique geometry to enable smooth machined surface and high efficiency processing.
CAD data (DXF / STEP) conforming to ISO13399 are available for download.

- Capable to mill with a larger pitch
- Highly efficient finishing (with the same cusp height: example 0.003 mm)
- Superior machined surface quality (with the same pitch: example 0.5 mm)
Mild Steel・Carbon Steel・Carbon Steel・Alloy Steel・Die Steel・Stainless Steel・Cast Iron・Ductile Cast Iron・Superalloy(Wet)・Titanium Alloy(Wet)・Pre-hardened Steel・Die Cast Steel・Hardened Steel
Barrel Type Insert (PFB-BR)
- Multi-purpose Type (XP3225) φ10 Peripheral edge R15~φ32 Peripheral edge R48
- Reinforced Edge Type (XP3310) φ10 Peripheral edge R15~φ32 Peripheral edge R48
Lens Type Insert (PFB-LZ)
- Multi-purpose Type (XP3225) φ10 Bottom edge R15~φ32 Bottom edge R48
- Reinforced Edge Type (XP3310) φ10 Bottom edge R15~φ32 Bottom edge R48
The VU-R series variant shape tool for finishing is also available in solid style (taper barrel type VU-TBR).
3-axis finishing of mold base vertical slope by barrel type tool (PFB-BR)

The pitch is set to twice that of conventional tool. The finished surfaces are extremely satisfactory for both vertical slopes, with the processing efficiency increased by about 30%.