
Materiality (Key Issues)

OSG Group's Materiality

In FY2024, OSG Group revamped our materiality, which are the key issues that we seek to address. Because the previous eight had either little relation to changes taking place in the business environment and our Medium-Term Management Plan or had already been realized, we reduced the number to four, amending them to be more relevant to our plans and programs. As we move forward, we will be conscious of how these are linked to our Medium-Term Management Plan KPIs. We will set out key themes and KPIs for each of these four and enhance our efforts to address all of them.
The Sustainability Committee deliberates ESG-related issues, policy and vision consistency, priority measures, and other matters, and regularly reports on its activities to the Board of Directors. Measures for promoting sustainability are implemented by department heads (ESG officers) and facilitators in each organization based on decisions made by the President, who chairs the Sustainability Committee. So that department facilitators maintain consistency in their understanding of what sustainability entails, they regularly provide progress reports on their activities, exchange views with colleagues, and promote initiatives for achieving solutions to key issues.

Process for Identifying Materiality (Key Issues)


Identifying issues for medium- and long-term enhancement of corporate value

So that OSG may contribute to the manufacturing industry through our business and help resolve environmental and social challenges in accordance with our corporate philosophy of "Global Presence," we identified issues that are highly likely to have a significant impact on corporate value over the medium- and long-term. We analyze previous materiality issues and applied international guidelines, frameworks, and other standards to identify issues.

Evaluation & analysis of issue significance

These issues were evaluated and analyzed along two axes: 'importance to stakeholders' and 'importance to OSG.' Those issues that have a particularly high impact on OSG Group's business were then prioritized to reassess our materiality.

Setting materiality, initiatives & targets

Our evaluation and analysis of issues in STEP 2 identified a total of four new materiality issues that are key. We also set priority themes for each of the materiality issues as well as targets to be reflected in specific activities. Progress made in the initiatives toward reaching these targets will be disclosed in a timely manner.

Deliberation & approval of materiality

The materiality issues identified in STEP 3 were deliberated and approved by the Sustainability Committee. Because these are also critical issues and metrics for promoting ESG management as touted in our Medium-Term Management Plan, they have been discussed and approved as challenges that we must address to grow our business.

Materiality and Specific initiatives

Contributing to the manufacturing industry through our business

Priority Themes Initiative Target
Expand the global market share for our core product taps Global expansion of high-quality & high-value added product series Global tap market share of 40% by 2027
Optimize our business portfolio Exploration of markets for micro-precision machining Micro-precision machining sales ratio of 30% by 2030
Expand new business and after-sales services Global expansion of reconditioning & coating business Reconditioning & coating sales ratio of 15% by 2027

A-Brand Strategy

The OSG Group regards A-Brand, which is an all-around cutting tool demonstrating superior performance in a diverse range of machining conditions as well as with a multitude of workpieces, as a comprehensive premium brand developed by leveraging OSG Group's cutting-edge technologies. A-Brand products are a key part of our Medium-Term Management Plan strategy. We have promoted expansion of the A-Brand series, which are available along with our standard cutting tools (catalog items). Ever since A-Brand was announced in 2014, we have advanced development not only of taps, but also A-drills and A-end mills and expanded our product lineup. The A-tap, which spurred creation of the A-Brand, has contributed tremendously to boosting our reputation over many years and expanding tap sales. In addition, A-Brand products are used in a broad range of industries and have also contributed to increasing sales to the micro-precision machining sector, an area we are focusing on. We will continue to steadily expand the A-Brand and earn high regard for these series not only in Japan, but globally. In addition, we will also maintain our efforts to market A-Brand products, which satisfy our customers calls for high-quality and high-performance tools.

  • Ratio of A-Brand to standard product salesRatio of A-Brand to standard product sales

Micro-precision machining

A key strategy of our Medium-Term Management Plan has been to increase the share of taps, drills, and carbide end mills for micro-precision machining. In the 5G, semiconductor, robotics, automation, mechanical components, mobility, medical, and other industries where growth is forecast, there is considerable component machining which requires precision machining, and demand has risen in these industries for small-diameter tools. We launched a new sales organization to promote business development in these sectors, and our sales force has been actively working and successfully securing new users for our products. These marketing campaigns have not just been rolled out in Japan, but are also actively running globally. The market for micro-precision machining is anticipated to grow in the future. Our aim is for these sales to reach 30% of total sales by the fiscal year ending November 2030, the final year of Stage 3 (2028~2030) of our Medium-Term Management Plan. Through our global network which is one of the OSG Group's strengths, we will leverage our ability to turn sales calls into orders, offer outstanding service for manufacturing that meets our customers' deadlines, and provide on-site technical support, all of which will lead to securing a greater market share.

  • Ratio of micro-precision machining salesRatio of micro-precision machining sales

Medium-term Management Plan

Developing an environment where employees are respected and able to flourish

Priority Themes Initiative Target
Increase employee engagement Advancement of comfortable working environment and systems
  • Maintain an annual paid leave usage rate of at least 70%
  • Achieve a male childcare leave usage rate of 50% by 2024, 75% by 2027, and 100% by 2030
  • Maintain a female childcare leave usage rate of 100%
Promotion of safety and health management
  • Continue to acquire Excellent Company of Safety and Health certification by Ministry of Health, Labour Standards
  • Continue to acquire Excellent Health Management Company certification by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Nippon Kenko Kaigi(Japan Health Council)
Enhance the capabilities of our human resources and strategically assign personnel to assignments Cultivation of next-generation and management leaders Establish program for developing next generation managers
Encouragement of professional human resources Use human resources data platform to effectively utilize personnel
Respect diversity Promotion of active roles for women and people with disabilities
  • Ratio of female managers (assistant manager class): 7% by 2025
  • Ratio of employees with disabilities: Maintain statutory quota
Respect human rights Provide human rights training in line with the OSG Human Rights Policy and OSG Corporate Code of Ethics, and manage these such risks

Related information(Social)

Contributing to a sustainable global environment

Priority Themes Initiative Target
Realize carbon neutrality
  • Introduction of operation-improvement & energy-saving equipment
  • Implementation of on-site & off-site PPA/purchase of carbon-free electricity
Achieve 10% carbon neutral by 2024 and 30% by 2030
Reduce users'environmental footprint Development of new eco-friendly products Eco-products (OSG standard) target: 40 or more annually

Disclosure based on TCFD recommendations Environmentally Conscious Product Development

Maintaining and strengthening our governance structure so that we may achieve sustainable growth

Priority Themes Initiative Target
Maintain our corporate governance structure
  • Strengthening of executive oversight functions
  • Establishment of an effective execution system
  • Maintain diversity of Board of Directors
  • Continue to assess Board of Directors' effectiveness and provide feedback of assessment results to raise awareness of challenges and resolve them
Construct a group governance structure Strengthening of OSG Group governance based on relevant business management regulations
  • Improve reporting and monitoring systems
  • Conduct assessments for improving governance
Thoroughly manage risk and ensure compliance Strengthening of information security measures Eliminate major information security incidents
Formulation of a business continuity plan & regularly conduct disaster prevention training Instill the business continuity plan to minimize damage & pursue countermeasures

Corporate Governance