
Green Bond

Green Bond Issue

On August 10th 2023, the OSG Group became the world's first cutting tool manufacturer to issue green bonds. The funds procured are slated to be allocated to green buildings, R&D funds for eco-friendly products, and other such uses. We will strive to maximize corporate value generated by linking our growth strategy and ESG initiatives toward realization of OSG Group's Medium-Term Management Plan "Beyond the Limit 2024."


Item Overview Notes
Name OSG Corporation Series 3 Unsecured Straight Bonds
(with an inter-bond pari passu clause) (Green Bond)
Also known as the OSG Beyond the Limit Bond
Maturity 5-year bond
Issue amount ¥5 billion
Coupon 0.514%
Issue date Thursday, August 10, 2023
Third-party organization evaluating framework Japan Credit Rating Agency Ltd. (JCR) Green 1(F) *Framework evaluation
Rating R&I:A


We have set projects such as green buildings, introduction of systems to improve energy efficiency, R&D for eco-friendly products, and etc., as eligible projects for the green bond.

Second Party Opinion

Framework of this green bond is aligned with the Green Bond Principles 2021 of the International Capital Market Association(ICMA) and the Green Bond Guidelines 2020 of the Ministry of the Environment. The framework is rated Green 1 (F), the highest rating, in "JCR Green Bond Framework Evaluation" by Japan Credit Rating Agency Ltd., a third-party evaluation organization.

Allocation Reporting and Impact Reporting