Official Branding Guidelines

Brand Story
Shapping your Dreams

Customer communication is at the heart of the OSG brand. OSG anticipates, listens and actively reacts to market needs with its assured innovative technical know-how, exceptional services, out-of-the-box thinking and total solution capability.

OSG is constantly on the move, researching and developing new manufacturing solutions. Our corporate tagline “shaping your dreams” summarizes our passion for new challenges and commitment to help clients accomplish their goals.

Customer Communication

The OSG Brand

OSG’s brand personality is composed of six key characteristics: innovative, reliable, intelligent, friendly, prestigious and global.

OSG Brand

Guide Lines
Guide Lines

OSG has a specific set of visual identity guideline to ensure that the OSG brand is presented to the public in a way that meets people’s expectations in the most effective way possible.

To effectively implement the OSG brand in communications, please refer to the corporate visual identity guidelines.

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